Tailored Solutions

What are
Tailored Solutions?
Tailored solutions are technologies that are specially-developed for the needs of your business. They are unique applications and software created by the AlphaBiz team to address your specific problems.
Our Tailored Solutions

Custom Development
Custom developments can be made for businesses which has a unique aspect that needs to be captured, manipulated, or transferred between systems.

Hosting Solutions
Hosted solutions are virtual servers that we maintain and keep. These servers are highly secure, accessible from any device and are backed up every day. AlphaBiz Solutions is V2 Cloud provider for those in need of hosting solutions.

Why get custom developed applications?
Unique to you
Custom developments pinpoints and solves highly specific needs of your business that a one-size-fits-all software may not be able to address.
More Secure
Technologies made only for you.r organisation are less vulnerable to external threats because it is only within your system or company.
Better Scalability
As a tailored solution, it can also be scaled up or or scaled down according to your needs unlike out-of-the box technologies that have those load limitations.
Why choose our hosting solutions?
Simple and smart features
V2 Cloud provides easy use of the Admin Dashboard for adding and managing users, as well as increasing storage capacity.
Access anytime, anywhere
This hosting solution allows a work-from-home setup for employees and eliminates the additional IT expenses of purchasing new computers and servers.
Increase protection
V2 Cloud offers full ransomware protections with features such as 3-layer firewalls, secure and private networks between cloud computer and office, encryptions on all communications, and daily data back-ups to another location.