Wage Easy
A system that simplifies your HR & payroll processes
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Wage Easy’s payroll and HRM software system is easy to use, intuitive and synchronised with your employees’ human resources data. Featuring a powerful timesheet driven award interpretation function, Wage Easy simplifies the process of paying your employees.
Wage Easy is a modular payroll and HRM software system that grows with your business, meaning a number of additional modules can also be added to meet your changing requirements as your workforce increases. Here are some modules you can add to your system:
- Wage Easy Employee Services Portal (ESP)
- Remote and Online Timesheets
- Easy Business Analyser
- Express Super
You can access more information on these system enhancements in the product resources below

Key Features
- Seamlessly integrate your General Ledger or accounting software with its system to reduce manual processing errors
- Exchange data between third-party business systems such as time and attendance, rostering, clock card, and point of sale systems
- Keep and record employee data such as contact details, work history, employment conditions, and skills and performance
- Automate payroll-related email blasts such as pay advice and payment summaries to your employees
- Improve decision-making on payroll & HR management concerns with user-friendly interface for easy retrieving and creation of reports
- Generate reports on payroll, human resources, accounting and more with a few clicks
- Software updates to reflect the regulatory, legislative and tax changes
- Automatic superannuation contribution calculations for each employee
- Configure a built-in award interpreter in accordance with modern Awards and EBAs

In need of Wage Easy support? Reach us at admin@alphabiz.com.au or call 08 9277 2226
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FREE Product Demonstration
or call 08 9277 2226

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