Ten years ago if you told someone that your business data is in “the Cloud”, they would have thought you were crazy. Nowadays, putting things in the cloud is nothing but common practice for any business that wants to have full visibility over its operations from anywhere at any time. However, what do you do…
Ten years ago if you told someone that your business data is in “the Cloud”, they would have thought you were crazy. Nowadays, putting things in the cloud is nothing but common practice for any business that wants to have full visibility over its operations from anywhere at any time. However, what do you do to protect your information?
Cloud Security is a top priority for businesses right now and they are all spoilt for choice when it comes to options available. If you’re not up to date on the latest tech jargon it can be very overwhelming when the time comes to make a well-informed decision, which is why we have two, easy tips to keep your Cloud secure;
1 – Take your Passwords Seriously
You have likely heard this suggestion many times before, however, we all know we could improve our level of adherence to this rule. For a cyber-terrorist (or hacker) the easiest passwords to crack are those that are easy to remember (like your birthday or the names of your children for example). Here is an efficient method to help you create a secure password.
- Choose a sentence or long word at random. For example, “I love my cat2016$”;
- Associate and assign the name or sentence of the service you’re creating the password to the word you selected above. For example, Gmail so your password reads “I love my cat2016!Gmail”.
You should also strengthen your passwords by including capital letters, numbers and special characters.
2 – Password-Protect your Data with Encryption
Encryption is the best way you can protect your data. Put simply, encryption works by protecting your data with a password and converting it into a secret form or code that only your password can read or have access to. So if you have a file you want to move to the cloud you can use encryption software to mask the data, then you can upload your file to the cloud knowing that unless someone has the password no one will ever be able to see or access your file(s).
For your information, MYOB Data Centre is located in Sydney, and if you want to learn more, or you can read our blog on Cloud and Server security here.