Is your business being left behind by new technology? This question is one of the most popular ‘click bait’ statements online today. I mean hey you could open the link, read about a new technology and utilise it to in your business. The other side of It is you ignore it and become Blockbuster or…
Is your business being left behind by new technology? This question is one of the most popular ‘click bait’ statements online today. I mean hey you could open the link, read about a new technology and utilise it to in your business. The other side of It is you ignore it and become Blockbuster or Video Ezi, and end up in the museum or theme park where parents take their kids to show them how hard life used to be.
Okay, that is definitely old news, but what company today is in the same situation? Who can we look at today and learn from?
Well if you have ever had a blackberry phone, but today you have an Apple or Android then you might guess as to which company is about to lose it all. Well not just yet, Blackberry has still got one final ‘Hail Mary’. The Blackberry OS has been plagued by not keeping with today’s trends, it missed the plot with its recent phone the V10 which was a blackberry OS & Android hybrid. The main failure point of this OS was the limited range, or rather the non-existent apps that are popular on other devices. You can see blackberry has tried to stick to its mission statement and that’s admirable, security and privacy is definitely a huge plus in today’s society.
Blackberry’s mission statement has been approached without innovation, instead of building an android based ROM with security and privacy that only runs on blackberry phones they opted to stick to an outdated OS which is useless in today’s interconnected society. So what did they do now after their sales have gone into obscurity? Well, they built a phone with a pure android experience.
The Blackberry Priv, the ‘Hail Mary’ to save the Canadian based mobile company, but what you may ask what makes this phone special, well it has the iconic blackberry keyboard that doubles as a trackpad, but most of all and what has captivated folks around the world, is the curved screen 5.4inch sliding screen.
On the outside its sleek bezel-less curved screen phone, but when you slide the screen up you get the iconic Blackberry physical touch keyboard you know this phone is unique. I keep saying iconic because to be honest it really is what defines blackberry from anyone else, and I am happy they managed to keep it.
So the Priv, which stands for Privacy, will be released in November to an audience that is keen to get their hands on the legendary device because at this point the phone maker is really betting on the Blackberry name that will bring back the old audience and the features to bring the new. So what can we learn from a company that has 20% of the phone market and now only has less than 1%? Never underestimate the markets changing forces, and don’t be stubborn. Learn to change the dynamics and innovate.